Join the action-packed Seal Society Showdown, a 2.5D top-down CNFT Battle Royale game where players control their Seal Society CNFT to collect $Fish Coins, customize their seal, and be the last one standing to receive the ultimate $Fish Coin reward, while avoiding other players and AI enemies.

Play as a Seal from The Seal Society CNFT Project on Cardano Blockchain. Customize your Seal with over 50+ Traits from the Generation 1 Collection and show off your Seal Style!

The Game Loads in the Lobby

The Round Start with a countdown (3.2.1 Go!) 

The Round Ends when all coins are collected or when only one seal remains.

Players receive $Fish coin Rewards they can use to purchase new customization options for their seals.

We believe our player profile is anyone who likes Crypto and Nfts. We are a project on Cardano Blockchain hence the "C" before the "NFT" so we are focused on building connections with our chosen blockchain. With the increased interest in this technology, we believe we are able to reach a growing audience of people young and old!


Seal Man 7.9 MB

Development log

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